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World Skills 2019 - Kazan

Scott May Represents USA at WorldSkills Kazan

As the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 competition draws near, competitors all across the world work to perfect their technical skills. The global event, held this year in Kazan, Russia from August 22 to August 27, will test the young adults on the very skills that keep their countries running smoothly: carpentry, automobile technology, print media technology, visual merchandising, and more.

As the exclusive CAM partner of WorldSkills International for over 20 years, Mastercam is proud to also be an official WorldSkills Global Partner and happy to provide support to the CNC milling competitors. Scott May, 20, will be representing the U.S. WorldSkills team, SkillsUSA, in the CNC Milling event. He will be tested on his knowledge of the properties and behavior of materials like steel and aluminum, his interpretation of engineering drawings, and his ability to optimize machining strategy and perform machining functions such as blind hole boring. May is currently a machinist at Spirit AeroSystems, Inc., the world’s leading tier one aerospace supplier in the world.

“I am very fortunate that Spirit is so supportive of me in this challenge to compete against the rest of the world,” said May. His CNC machining skills are tested daily in his position as he works to provide the best aerostructure components to customers like Boeing and Airbus. “What sets Spirit apart is the fact that we implement technology in every aspect of our business in order to come up with the safest, most accurate, and most efficient means of production possible.”

May practices every day at work, but he has also sought out extra training from QTE Manufacturing Solutions, an award winning Mastercam Reseller headquartered in Saint Charles, MO, and providing services in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Southern Illinois. QTE has been providing CAD/CAM training and support for over 30 years, and they were thrilled to help May in his preparation. “I have taken every CNC milling course QTE has to offer,” said May, “QTE has been a huge help in preparing me for this competition. If I have any issue at all they are right there to help every time, in and outside the classroom. As far as everyday manufacturing goes, they have helped me make the processes I am responsible for more efficient by showing me different machining techniques.”

“As far as hopes for the competition and career plans, I hope to represent the United States to the best of my ability. I also want to go to college after the competition and build my career with a major in engineering and a minor in business,” he continued. Along with the rest of the country, CNC Software wishes May the best of luck and shares his excitement in watching his future career take shape.

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