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Top 10 Tech Questions #4 Enabling or Disabling Sequence Numbers

By March 2, 2016No Comments

Enabling or disabling sequence number is a common area of concern. We receive many questions on almost a daily basis regarding the process to turn them on or off. Below is the technique we advise our customers on how to accomplish this goal:

To enable or disable the “N” numbers in a generated program, start by going to “Settings”, and down to “Machine Definition Manager”.

Next go to the “Control Definition”
In the “Control Topics” tree on the left, go to “NC Output” and enable the sequence numbers by putting a check in the box next to “Output Sequence Numbers” and disable it by removing the check.
(Note: This is where you can choose what number the sequence start on, and the increment it goes by)
Click on the disk to save your settings, then click on the green check when finished.
(Note: Clicking on the green check will prompt you to save these new settings)
Save your settings in the “Machine Definition Manager”, and click on the green check.

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Check back in next week when we feature another of our Top 10 Tech Questions to help you run more efficiently!